Payments can be made by cash, check, money order, credit card, or online (using a credit card or echeck). You may mail your payment to:
Travis County MUD District 2
P.O. BOX 8009
ROUND ROCK, TX 78683-8009
Payments made to the above address are placed in a bank lock box. The advantages of the lock box enables payments to be immediately posted to the District's account. The payment stub MUST accompany the payment. If payment is made by check through a bill paying service and the payment stub is not included, then the COMPLETE account number MUST be stated on the check in order for the payment to be promptly and correctly posted to your account. Your complete account number is on your Crossroads billing statement and consists of 15 numbers starting with 70772-0 followed by 9 additional digits.
When paying by credit card you have the option of paying your bill by phone or online. For the phone option, call the Crossroads Utility Services customer service number (512) 246-1400, Monday-Friday, 8 am to 5 pm.
For the online payment option, please visit the Crossroads web site http://www.crossroadsus.com and select "PAY MY BILL", following the provided instructions. Your account may be viewed at any time to check amount due, make payments, and review billing history. Initially, you will need to establish an account with an ID and password. The method for accessing your account (once it is created) is similar to that used when it was initially created, namely select "PAY MY BILL" within the Crossroads website specified above and follow the subsequent website instructions provided to view your account information.
An option for an automatic monthly draft to your credit card is also available. In you choose to elect this option, please call Crossroads Utility Services to establish this mode of payment, This option assures that your payment will be posted by the due date every month. The email address provided when you established your account will be used to provide payment verification each month.
Your water meter is read on or near the 29th of each month and the bill mailed on or near the 7th of the following month. It is due and payable upon receipt and is ALWAYS past due after the 28th unless the date is a weekend or holiday, in which case the due date is extended by one business day. Payment is then considered past due if not received by the next business day and will be assessed a 10 percent late fee.
If payment is not made within 3 days of the PAST DUE date, a termination letter is sent stating the amount that must be paid by a stated termination date. You may also choose to have this termination notice sent to your email address specified in your online account.
Water service will be terminated if payment is not received by the stated termination date. Once service has been terminated (regardless of whether or not it has been physically terminated), an administrative reconnect fee of $40.00, an additional $100.00 deposit (up to a maximum of $500.00), and all delinquent and current charges must be paid before services will be restored. There is an additional charge of $35 for reconnections requested after 2 pm if this request is for the same day that all other restitution payments are made.
If you have any questions regarding the above, please contact Crossroads Utility Services at 512-214-1400.